Art Urbane Interview: FlowSoFly
Q. Many of your artworks seem to focus on a woman's relationship to herself and others romantically. How does line drawing further the concepts you want to convey?
A: What I like about line drawing is you reduce the complexities of life into simple lines. It is a play between laser-focusing in on some features and abstracting others. I like keeping it open in a way as well, encouraging the viewer to complete the image, the vision. So everyone sees his/her own version - just like in a mirror or in love.
Q. Line drawing seems to captivate you, as it has thousands of your fans and followers. Did this style of drawing come about from your creative evolvement?
A. I don't like stuff really, so I live a moment-driven, minimalist lifestyle. I don't like keeping loads of stuff around the house, so a few thousand line drawings can be more easily stored than say paintings. That in combination with an impatience to be able to make something anywhere quickly led me to transition towards paper-based line drawings as a medium.
I feel the work is a combination of figuring out an artistic concept for a piece, be it minimalist or surrealist or realistic and then just doing it. In the actual doing part most lines come very naturally.
Q. More broadly, what brought you to be the artist you are today?
A. I guess every experience you've had in life influences your personality, your approach, and aspirations - the people you meet, the contemporary events and vibes, and nowadays more than ever, I'd say also the Internet, as you can access stories, information, and glimpses into people’s lives so easily. So, all that fuels up your inspiration, and then it’s more about mastering some tools to bring this inspiration to life, or in my case, to paper. And some designer friends helped me with introducing me to these tools.
Q. Where do your images first exist?
A. In my head usually, although sometimes the concepts are actually born or changed in the creation process.
Olita Charlie
Always seeking bold individuals acting on profound, creative ideas